We are not average.
We are OSCAR.
4K filming
State-of-the-art equipment and camera technology.
Quick turnaround
Proofs back in your hands right away. No excuses. Period.
Trusted by thousands
Our clients will tell you why there is magic behind Oscar Productions.
Forward thinking
Our team is constantly improving, with new skills and experience.
A Team Beyond Comparison
Oscar Productions was founded on the belief that a wedding should be a remarkable experience, from start to finish. Our team doesn’t “work” when we’re on set. We’re there to help make sure sure your special day is unforgettable, and capture the love in the process. Making people happy and having some fun with our clients is what Oscar Productions is all about.
We Have One Goal
Oscar Productions is founded on the belief that happy moments should be captured and treasured forever. What better way to capture those moments than with photos or video? There is something remarkable about looking back at a photo or video and remembering how important it was to save it forever. At Oscar Productions, our style is fun, interactive and creative.
There is not a single photo in our portfolio that does not have some meaning behind it. While it’s great to have fun, it’s also important for us to get the best shots possible in the moment. While on set, we are always on our toes, making sure we capture every bit of magic. We like to think of our services as not just photography and videography, but natural storytelling. We would love to meet and learn more about you!
We “capture treasured moments”, and we practice this in all the work we do.
We believe that every special moment in our lives should be saved forever. Each moment we share is a privilege and we can only relive the magic in so many ways. Our commitment is to work with you to capture the highest quality photos and video, and to have some fun, too!